Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Trip of a Lifetime
This is an account of my 60th birthday present to myself, an opportunity to ride my bicycle(s) from just west of Portland, OR to Portland, ME, apprximately 3600 miles. In doing so I hope to capture some of the vastness, essence, and diversity of the U.S. of A.. I will be supported by a vehicle driven by my seventeen year old son, Theron. This will allow me to carry extra things such as cameras and tripod, tools, parts and extra bicycles; this will also allow me to have the luxury of being shuttled to a motel if need be, and finally, this will allow me the opportunity to explore certain places that might be out of reach on a bicycle given realistic time restraints. Also this will allow me to share a certain to be incredible experience with my son. Without his support I doubt if I could pull this off. Did I say support? Yes, my wonderful wife has been able to artfully give me the green light on this journey without making me feel that it would be "jolly" to have me gone. Oh yes... support. On this ride I hope to support the American Cancer Society by spreading information and awareness, as well as solicit donations for research.
A word about cancer: Most of us have had our lives affected in someway by cancer. Whether it is you, a freind, or a relative, certainly, we have felt loss and or devastation by this powerful disease. For me, it has been my mother, my grandmother, an aunt, two uncles, some cousins and several good freinds. Some of these people would have surly survived had they been given modern day treatments. Yes, the advancements have been incredible; many cancers are no longer the death sentance that they once were. The research has been paying off but still has a long way to go and many challenges to face. We can play apart in this. I pledge a dollar a mile. That would be way too much for most of you (but not all of you), but what about a nickel a mile for $180? or a dime a mile for $360? or even a penny a mile for$36?...anything. Donate by clicking the following link: give now . I feel it would be most beneficial to direct this towards research so please do so, if you would. When done, please email me at and let me know who you are (if you want) and how much you donated.


You can check my progress on this shared page from my Spot GPS device:


  1. Go Woody! Thanks for taking on this cause.
    (The Colnago says hello.)

  2. Hey Woody!! It was so good to see you, Anne, and Theron. We will be thinking of you all summer peddling the wide open spaces of our beautiful country! Enjoy!

    The Rather Clan

  3. I got a great picture on my phone today. I hope you have a great first leg.

  4. Go Woody go! Peddle my friend and have a great time. We will keep a daily watch on you! Take your time and enjoy the flowers, wildlife and local hot spots!
    Amy and Clay

  5. Keep pushing yourself Woody!

  6. Thanks for keeping in touch. I will be traveling vicariously with you. Best to crew man Theron too.

  7. Ive got the best front row seat to this
    exciting adventure! Woody rode 96 miles
    yesterday and is ready for day 2 - Theron
    and I figuring out the art of the sag wagon!

  8. woooooddddeeeeeee. walk well (as the jamaicans say). you've set the bar pretty high for this turning 60 thing. love your photos....thanks for the one of tom and sherry.

  9. Wood Man,

    You are a free spirt and a true spirt. You son is doing the work you are having fun, cheers for him.
    From coast to coast, Woody will give his most.
    The cure for Cancer is the fight, he will attack with all him might.
    There will be days of gain, and days of pain.
    This unrelenting pestilence which consumes the body and takes its toll, With The help of his friends, thrashing this dreaded disease will be the goal.
    He has come to conquer, and conquer he will.

  10. Woody:

    We're sending a pkg. of Mike's icecream by special courier. Watch out for the tumble weed.

    T. Brown

  11. Woody,

    Great jurney and God speed my friend. In need it is a great cause, and you are taking it to the next level, and have fun on your great adventure!!!!
    We will be checking on you and your progress,

  12. No one told me that the job of the roadie involved waiting for five hours at the Chrysler dealership to find out the van couldn't be fixed that day. Is it too late to go home?

  13. Hey boys, fantastic pics!! Love to you both, Celeste /Mom

  14. Don't stop pushing yourself, Woody!

  15. Hi Woody and Theron,

    We're rooting for you!


  16. Hi Woody

    Drove up to your place today and learned of your great adventure. Your blog is swell and so are you! I wish you well, be safe and enjoy.

    Bestes, Alan
