Thursday, August 20, 2009

Finished- but not the last post

I finished on 8/12 at 6:30 pm. My brother, David, had come up from Washington, D.C. and was there at the finish. A friend from Nashville, also named David, joined me in Niagara Falls; so he was present as well. And of course, my son, Theron, was there; he was the ever indispensable sag-wagon driver extraordinaire, without whom the whole trip would probably been impossible. Looking back on the whole ride, I can honestly say: 1) there wasn't a bad day, ever, 2) I was extremely lucky with the weather, 3) there was no one place that stood above the others, and 4) I missed my wife, kids and grandchild, home and dogs which was the only hard part of the whole trip.
This is not the last post, however. I still have pictures from Michigan, Ontario, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, to put up as well as some comments, and, who knows? maybe even a brief summary. All this should be up in a week or two.

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